“Can't wait to celebrate the unique #ELIATogether positive mindset: the opportunity for all members of the translation and localisation industry to feel seen and heard!”
This was very well said by ORCO’s representative and speaker at #ELIATogether 2024 conference, Despina Pilou, which happened on February 22-23, in Riga, Latvia.
Under the theme “Perfect Harmony,” the conference aimed to shed light on the collaborative nature of our professional relationships and the utilisation of technology to meet market demands.
Despina’s insightful presentation, under Track B: Let's Meet in the Middle, was titled:
The Translator and the Crowd:
Collective Identities in the Modern Localisation Industry.
Despina raised the topic of the currently emerging, fluid translator identity, that encompasses a spectrum of technology advancements in the era of community localisation and crowdsourcing and tried to address the questions below:
Are we still translators, or something else?
What is the right equilibrium to redefine our collective identity?
How does this shift affect us?
How to overcome our existential crisis?
What a great topic to brainstorm and discuss in today’s digital landscape, where industry leaders, language service companies, and freelancers try to Meet in the Middle!